WRL Point System - Whitewater Racing League
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2023 Cash Purse

  • Men's Cash Prize

  • $$900 + race donations/mo
    • $900 donated from Green Race
    • $2 from every racer in the men’s division from every participating sanctioned race.
    • Payouts 10 deep

  • Women's

  • $$900 + race donations/mo
    • $900 donated from Green Race
    • $2 from each racer in the women’s division from participating sanctioned races.
    • Payouts 10 deep

  • Junior

  • $$200 + race donations/mo
    • $900 donated from Green Race
    • $2 from each racer in the women’s division from participating sanctioned races.
    • Payouts 10 deep

Whitewater Racing League Point System

Whitewater Racing League Point System is based off a 3 tier system.

  • Tier 1: The Final Showdown
  • Tier 2: Primary Races
  • Tier 3: Auxiliary Races

The top 3 scores of each racer will count toward their total point.  The racer with the highest points of each class will be crowned champion at the Green Race 2023.

WRL Points

Place Final Showdown
Final Showdown
Primary Races
Primary Races
Auxiliary Races
Auxiliary Races
1 300 300 250 250 200 150
2 250 250 200 200 160 120
3 200 200 170 170 136 100
4 180 180 150 150 120 90
5 160 160 132 130 106 70
6 140 140 115 111 92 60
7 130 130 108 94 86 50
8 120 120 102 82 82 45
9 110 110 96 70 77 40
10 100 100 90 60 72 35
11 95 95 84 50 67 30
12 90 90 78 45 62 25
13 85 85 72 40 58 20
14 80 80 66 35 53 15
15 72 72 60 30 48 10
16 65 65 54 25 43 9
17 62 62 62 20 42 8
18 60 60 50 15 40 7
19 58 58 48 10 38 6
20 55 55 46 5 37 5
21 48   40   32  
22 47   39   31  
23 46   38   30  
24 44   37   29  
25 43   36   28  
26 42   35   27  
27 41   34   26  
28 40   33   25  
29 38   32   24  
30 37   31   23  
31 36   30   22  
32 35   29   21  
33 34   28   20  
34 32   27   19  
35 31   26   18  
36 30   25   17  
37 29   24   16  
38 28   23   15  
39 26   22   14  
40 25   21   13  
41 24   20   12  
42 23   19   11  
43 22   18   10  
44 20   17   9  
45 19   16   8  
46 18   15   7  
47 17   14   6  
48 16   13   5  
49 14   12   4  
50 13   11   3